2M13.EXE 57,618 03-17-95 Format Diskettes to the max! Driver Included
4FILE318.ZIP 126,090 01-03-95 4FILES 3.18 <ASP> MULTI-PURPOSE FILE MANAGERRecommended by PC-Computing magazine 9/94.Combines fast disk navigation with completefile management, program launching, and 4DOS& NDOS compatible file annotation. For DOS,
4UTILS84.ZIP 163,921 01-03-95 Free utilities for 4DOS/NDOS. Includes: 1)4DESC 1.74 Full-screen 4DOS file descriptioneditor with mouse support and cut and pastecapability. Scrollable editing of200-character descriptions. Calls filesource code.
ADVSET14.ZIP 14,191 05-01-95 BFDS: Advanced Set v1.4 for DOS enhances thecapabilities of the dos SET command; appendto, delete from, rename etc.
ALMDN102.ZIP 56,696 05-01-95 Alarm v1.02 - by Dale Nurden - + DOS basedalarm clock to remind you of up to 100important events. Small (2.8k) TSR modulealso includes a hotkey-activated popupclock/status bar, and clock can be loaded
ARGUS161.ZIP 47,680 05-09-95 ARGUS V1.61 - logs essential systemactivities of DOS into a text file. Workscomplete in the background (without screenoutput). With Source Code
BFIND501.ZIP 66,417 03-17-95 BFIND.EXE (5.01): Allows Boolean-type FINDrequests. For example, find any line with onestring AND another one, or any line with onestring OR another.
BIGTXT21.ZIP 19,997 05-09-95 BigText Ver. 2.1 will translate your text toBIG text. It can be used in batch files toproduce messages which can be read across theroom.
BLURB_20.ZIP 54,055 01-27-95 BLURB Version 2.0: Blurb is a program thatchooses a random line from a file and printsit on the screen.
BOOTR214.ZIP 418,490 04-17-95 BOOT'R v2.14 <ASP> DOS Configuration ManagerBOOT'R allows the management of multipleconfigurations on a single machine. BOOT'Rcan modify the CONFIG.SYS, AUTOEXEC.BAT, andmore. Modify up to 5 files for each
CARVE20A.ZIP 27,338 05-01-95 Carve v2.0a - Carve is a simple littlecommand line utility that will split a fileinto a specified number of 'chunks', and jointhem back together again. Fast and reliable.New version, many improvements and bug fixes
CATMAN12.ZIP 112,790 05-10-95 CatMan-DO! V1.2 <ASP> - A management tool tohelp you track files on diskette. Use Auto orManual Bulk Load to build your databasequickly. Use File Finder to import text fileslike FILE_ID.DIZ. An open text area where
CCOPY105.ZIP 65,669 03-17-95 Controlled Copy 1.05 Advanced DOS file copierwith free space checking and progressindicators. Flexible and powerful commandline options, and faster copying speed.Everything you need in one package.
CC_ST201.ZIP 101,530 05-01-95 Convert comma-delimited data to columnar datawith CCDF. Some programs can not read comma-delimited data but can understand the data ifit is arranged in columns. Don't re-key your
CDQCK102.ZIP 142,612 02-05-95 CD-QUICK Cache v1.02 <ASP> Make CD-ROMs FAST!This program will dramatically improve theperformance of your CD-ROM drive by storingfrequently read data in fast XMS memory. Usesadvanced caching techniques to insure top
CDSKA830.ZIP 422,847 03-15-95 Disk Catalog System/CATDISK V8.30 <ASP> (1/3)From Rick Hillier. The most significantupgrade in CATDISK's long history! Trackswhat's on each disk in your file collection.New interface w/pull down menus, pop-up
CDSKB830.ZIP 200,399 03-15-95 Disk Catalog System/CATDISK V8.30 <ASP> (2/3)From Rick Hillier. Bonus utilities automateoffloading files to floppies, eliminatingduplicate files/redundant versions ofprograms, general file cleanup operations and
CDSKC830.ZIP 395,876 03-15-95 Disk Catalog System/CATDISK V8.30 <ASP> (3/3)From Rick Hillier. Easy to use installationprogram automates and simplifies the CATDISKinstallation process. The standard versionruns within the 640K DOS limitations. The
CF537C.ZIP 211,288 04-15-95 CMFiler v.5.37c <ASP> DOS File ManagerAcclaimed by DOS 6 Secrets, PC Mag, NovellDOS 7 Unleashed! Split-screen file managerwith full suite of file and dir services,including tree mode. Built-in file editor,
CHPATH11.ZIP 19,634 03-18-95 Change Path V1.10: Will allow you to modifythe PATH statement in DOS and extends thesize of the PATH to 500 characters.
CLOCK370.ZIP 117,785 01-25-95 CLOCK is a set of related shareware programsthat give you complete control over thecalendar (battery-protected) clock and yourDOS/BIOS clock. They provide automatichandling of daylight savings time and time
CLRV311.ZIP 112,506 04-18-95 Color View - Color Directory Viewer toreplace the dos "dir" command. View yourdirectories in color by assigning colors toextensions, directories, attributes and more.Up to 30 extensions and 10 wildcard names can
CMFLOP12.ZIP 23,631 04-15-95 CMFLOPPY v1.2 <ASP> Floppy diskette utilityprogram from NoVaSoft. Copy, format, view3.5"/5.25" DSDD/HD diskettes with speed andease. May be driven by command lineparameters or internal menu. Copier counts
CPD15.ZIP 52,718 01-11-95 Complete Program Deleter 1.5 totally removesall files and directories added to a disk byany installation utility, and restoresAUTOEXEC.BAT, CONFIG.SYS, SYSTEM.INI, andWIN.INI. A complete uninstaller for DOS or
CPUIDF.ZIP 8,463 01-11-95 CPU/Pentium Flaw Detection program availableat Intel.com. Date: 11 Jan 1995 01:23:48 GMT.Organization: Intel. We have release aprogram CPUIDF.EXE which identifies the typeof Intel microprocessor your PC contains. It
DCF494.ZIP 115,382 04-25-95 DISK COPY FAST v4.94 beta: Powerful 1-passdiskette duplicating utility. VERY fast.=====> SUPPORT PS/2; SUPPORT DMF, XDF, <==========> SELECTED FDFORMAT, MAC HD DISK. <=====Command line or menu driven; Hot keys for
DIRCO501.ZIP 106,576 03-17-95 DIRCOMP.EXE (5.01): Updates files in onesubdirectory based on files in anothersubdirectory. Similar to DOS' REPLACEcommands in some ways but also removes unusedfiles and can report what it's doing.
DIRSIZE4.ZIP 31,519 02-07-95 DIRSIZE v4.00 Directory Lister for DOS
DIRTO501.ZIP 139,243 03-17-95 DIRTOTAL.EXE (5.01): Prepares report showingfiles in subdirectory or drive. Allows somerestriction requests (show only files withdate greater than a certain value).
DLXDR251.ZIP 28,143 03-18-95 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Program: Deluxe Dir Ver. 2.51 Author: OrenSouroujon < LISOURO@weizma Description: Adirectory lister, (DIR command replacement)still include file sizes. DDIR has a flexible
DO1ST-11.ZIP 13,117 01-27-95 Generate ERRORLEVEL 1 if not 1st day of themonth. Use to make once-per-month programexecutions from batch files. Only runs onceper 1st day. Sample & instructions. v1.1 *[Freeware by James Huckabey ]*
DO21.ZIP 43,822 03-12-95 DO.EXE V2.10: DO does DOS operations like adaemon, Find, Copy, Move, Delete, Wipe, Xcopyand More. Command Line or Menu Driven.Freeware
DU_1990.ZIP 5,565 02-09-95 DU Disk usage report Reports space used byall or specified directories on disk.Includes Pascal Source code.
EDCON231.ZIP 32,918 03-01-95 EDCON PRO v2.31 - Edit/View your CONFIG andAUTOEXEC, side by side on the same screen,and now with Horiz/Vert editors. Fixed to runon the Pentium CPU. Up to 200 lines of textwith up to 128 char's in each, for both
EDIR136.ZIP 40,805 02-09-95 EDIR is just like DIR, only it does one thingmore : for every file EDIR RECOGNIZES itgives a short description! EDIR recognizesGIF,PCX,JPG,EXE,WAV,MID,669,ARJ,ZIP,LZH,MTM,PCK,RAS,ROL,SQZ,TPU,
FFF49.ZIP 200,844 04-30-95 FileFinder v4.9 - <ASP> Finds Files, & DIRSon normal and networked drives and insidecompressed files, also locates DUP files..Extremely fast and versatile. Faster and morecomprehensive drive identification. New
FGREP180.ZIP 28,886 03-07-95 FGREP V1.80: FGREP (Fast GREP) is a smallutility that can be used to find strings ofcharacters in ASCII text files, and arbitrarysequences
FILECOMP.ZIP 13,534 03-29-95 Compare files & set ERRORLEVEL for batch file
FILL501.ZIP 88,055 01-11-95 FILL.EXE (5.01): Program designed to fill upfloppies with the maximum number of filesthat will fit into them. "FILL *.BAS" willcopy *.BAS files onto a floppy, taking thebiggest files first. When it can't fit a
FMAV30.ZIP 167,909 03-14-95 FILE MAVEN 3.0 File Manager/Transfer Utility* Dual dir/pull down menus/50-line support *LapLink-style file transfers via cable *ZIP/LHA/ARJ compressed file support *ASCII/hex file viewer and new text editor *
FSIZTL13.ZIP 13,650 03-12-95 FILESIZE V1.3 lists files/directories indescending order by size. The size of a fileis the same as that shown by the DOS DIRcommand.
GMUTILS3.ZIP 122,016 03-07-95 Freeware Utilities by Greg Miskelly ARDPAdd/Remove Dirs to/from Path CLDD Copy LargeDirs to Diskettes CURSOR Change size ofcursor EOLDDAYS Errorlevel for age of filePSIS Provide System Info & Services PWORD
GO_320.ZIP 110,640 03-10-95 GO! v3.20 - "The way CHDIR should have beenwritten." Searches for directories matchingcommand line argument on all logged drives &automatically goes there. For example, to gojust type GO QUOTES. "Desqview aware", now
GX_PS101.ZIP 44,935 02-14-95 G is a quick alternative to DOS's CD command.You can configure abbreviations for your mostfrequently needed directories then jump therewith a few keystrokes. Why type in a long DOSavailable on your first call).
HONTO211.ZIP 34,172 04-25-95 HONTO v2.11: The BEST directory listeravailible. HONTO not only displays extrainformation, such as image sizes, but HONTOcolors its display, based on the file'scontent, NOT its extension. A must download!01/08/95
ISWHT10.ZIP 42,912 03-26-95 IsWhat 1.0 BatchFile Util 8 Handy functionsto determine the: Day of Week - Day of MonthDate<>Date Rename file with a DateString forname. Rename file with Day Of Year Extension.Also available, a scrolling Calendar.
JCAT11.ZIP 75,599 01-31-95 JCAT 1.1, FREE FLOPPY DISK CATALOG. Easy touse, menu-driven, with many features.Extracts .ZIP comments. Registered users canreceive custom copies. Free from Joe Akpan.
KENO22.ZIP 224,763 01-19-95 KENO - Door Game v2.2 . Part of the SunriseDoor Collection Can You pick 8 numbers thatmatch the computer's picks. If you do you canwin the REAL TIME Jackpot! Fast-paced &challenging. REAL TIME scoring with other
LIST91C.ZIP 114,590 01-31-95 LIST Plus is a general purpose file browsingand viewing utility. Features include fileselection/utility menu, selective printing,telephone dialer, scrollable windows, andviewing files within archive files. Version
MAXI17.ZIP 61,101 01-25-95 MAXIForm- The Original Floppy Disk Expanderversion 1.9 - MAXIForm will format 360k disksto 420k, 720k to 800k, 1.2 meg to 1.4 meg and1.44 meg to 1.6 meg. For use with DOS versionData Systems Ltd.
MUF16.ZIP 22,281 02-02-95 M.U.F. List - (MicroSoft's UndocumentedFeatures) Volume 1 Number 6 for DOS/4DOS
MULCO501.ZIP 97,692 03-19-95 MULTICOL.EXE (5.01): Program creates multiplecolumn listings from straight ASCII text,ASCII-delimited text, or dBase files. Alsodoes subtotalling, headers, and footers.
P2F_B1.ZIP 3,963 03-07-95 Freeware Print-2-File utility. When activatedbefore generating a print request, this TSRwill intercept the request and divert it to afile.
PDQ201.ZIP 104,032 02-20-95 PDQ Utils 2.01 File and directory utilities.A set of matched utilities which can makelife easier for any hard disk user. Includesa directory changer, directory lister, filelocator and text file viewer. PDQ now has a
POCK44.ZIP 188,399 02-19-95 POCKETD PLUS v4.4 <ASP> - 31k DOS Army Knife"BEST UTILITY" awards 1992, 1994 and 1995 byPsL, WHAT PC and Ziff-Davis. Tiny but superbDOS color directory lister, file COPY andNEW Windows install! and New options.
PRMPT2.ZIP 2,227 01-18-95 Fed up with boring old C:\ ? Add this batcautoexec and you'll soon have the path, timecolored top line, as well as your normal
PROMPTR1.ZIP 7,665 03-07-95 Prompter is a program which adds to the DOSprompt a variety of customizableillustrations. It requires ANSI.SYS.
RCD23.ZIP 40,428 01-16-95 Change disk/directory: "do what I mean" Youcan specify all or part of the name of thedirectory you want to go to, and RCD will doit's best to figure out which directory youmean, and on which disk. If several
REP123.ZIP 525,357 04-17-95 Replicator v1.23 <ASP> - Diskette Database!Replicator is a disk image utility used tocreate images of diskettes and catalog themin a database. Recreate disks as needed.Store up to 10 description lines and asupport.
RTS14.ZIP 4,934 01-19-95 RTS Control TSR v1.3 monitors disk access atBIOS level and can lower RTS when diskoperation is carried on. The effect isespecially visible when using slow diskand/or inferior caching system, like SMARTDRV.
RUN_V7.ZIP 14,535 01-06-95 RUN v7.0 Select a DOS Program to Run
RZSPLT21.ZIP 32,781 03-09-95 = RZSPLIT v2.1 = Finally a utility to splitANY type of file to make them fit on a floppyMuch FASTER, and Delete option added. Now canread/write from floppy directly. - freeware -by R. Zino - 3/09/95
SABDU292.ZIP 351,270 04-01-95 SAB*Diskette*Utility*Version*2.92*(ASP)THE*MS*Windows*Diskette*UtilityFormat/copy/compare/save floppy disketteimages in foreground or background. Read adiskette once and make multiple copies. Save
SEE510.ZIP 131,211 05-11-95 SEE (File Viewer and Printer) from MicroFoxCompany. Can scroll any size file in anydirection with full mouse support and scrollbars. Has on-line help and can freeze toprows and left columns while the rest of the
SSET11.ZIP 49,801 04-25-95 SUPERSET v1.1 <ASP> - DOS EnvironmentExtender which replaces the DOS 'SET'command. With SuperSet you can: * Extend thelength of any environment variable to anyarbitrary length. Beat the normal DOS limitinfo.
STNVJW23.ZIP 38,148 03-10-95 SETENV utility V2.3 (c) The SETENV programfor a DOS allows setting an environmentvariable. SETENV utility will run under DOS3.30 thru 4.0, 5.0, and 6.0.
SUPDIR10.ZIP 49,207 04-15-95 SuperDIR, DIR w/ incl/excl filtrs, src avail.Also formats for DB import, mult. file masks,(both include and exclude), many options, cansort ALL files in tree (not just within eachMember: STAR CGDA
TLT003.ZIP 16,120 01-18-95 Text Listy Thing (TLT V.003) - Ascii Viewer Uascii viewers, TLT will recycle after a fifile, giving a directory listing if ne
TODIR22.ZIP 32,533 03-21-95 Jump directly to any directory on any drive.This lets you organize your hard disk in alogical, hierarchical fashion and stillnavigate quickly to where you want to go. Youcan specify a partial name and if it is
TRAK10.ZIP 22,461 04-06-95 TrackDir v1.0 <ASP> - Directory NavigationTracker. Each time you restart your computer,TrackDir automatically sets the default driveand working directories to those that wereshutting down. You just turn your computer
TVDSH171.ZIP 22,493 05-01-95 SHELL Version 1.71 (20/02/95): is aCOMMAND.COM replacement except with someextra functionality found in the UNIX shells.less than 20Kb of RAM
UCOPY_12.ZIP 18,931 05-01-95 UCOPY V1.2 - copy your files; whole tree ofdirectories, Copies new & updated filesskipping unchanged ones.
UNIRDW15.ZIP 12,717 03-12-95 RDW v1.5 (Report Day of Week) Uni-RDW is asimple program to tell you what day of theweek it is (Sunday, Monday, etc.).
USE_UNUS.ZIP 10,985 01-27-95 USE and UNUSE are utility programs for addingand removing directories from your path,without retyping the entire path.
UTL114.ZIP 184,541 05-11-95 Utilites with File Viewer and Printer supportprograms. From MicroFox Company, member of<ASP>, {STAR}, and [ASAD]. There are a numberof printer utilites for specific printers anddo things that DOS can't do. It also a
WPR020.ZIP 18,502 03-12-95 WPR v0.20 - A recursive directory deleter. Fe- checking for root director - multipledirectory input - wipe files, making them un- can ignore breaks Freeware.
WRISIT36.ZIP 26,025 01-08-95 WHERE-IS-IT? Fast File Finder/ManipulatorVersion 3.6 Find files in dirs, path, alldrives, etc. Delete found files. Change todirectories. Added file wiping switch /W.Must use with /D delete files switch. Super
XEQ160.ZIP 16,435 03-07-95 XEQ Version 1.60 - COM File Library andCommand Executor allows COM files to bestored inside XEQ's code and executed bycommand
XSET410.ZIP 158,417 03-10-95 XSET V4.10 : Extended SET Instruction allowsyou to put EVERYTHING you want in a variableof the current DOS environment.
XSUM11.ZIP 37,757 03-18-95 XSUM V1.1 Checksumming utility suite -Calculates the 32-bit CRC and the MD4 and MD5message digests of files and displays themalong with the file size, time, and date. MD5calculation is much faster than in the
YCOM10.ZIP 11,533 03-12-95 YOURCOM V1.0: At Your Command v1.0 Runprograms and DOS calls, from English commandsthat YOU write! Execute commands by enteringnumber!
ZAK_UTIL.ZIP 44,248 03-13-95 Maintenance Utility Program Manager for DOS 6.